Tollcross Health Centre

Consulting hours

The practice opening hours are from 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

We continue to see patients face to face if necessary for an examination or nursing procedure.

Please DO NOT come to the Surgery with requests for repeat medication.

Prescription requests can be made by email, or by submitting a request to a local pharmacy.

Please indicate with your request which chemist you use, and we will send it there for you to collect.

Please continue to wear a Face Covering that covers both your nose or mouth if you have been asked to attend the practice. If you do not have a face mask one will be provided for you.

The best way to contact the surgery is to submit an eConsult request on this website. All online requests and phone calls will be triaged, and a GP may phone you.

If you have Covid-19 symptoms, please refer to the latest guidance at

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 18th May, 2022